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Based on internal and external data, Focus and Fiesta vehicles with automatic transmissions built since the second half of 2015 – and earlier models that have received component and software updates – perform well and have competitive levels of satisfaction.
At Ford, we have no higher priority than earning and keeping the trust of our customers and assuring they are safe. That is why we are deeply concerned consumers may be confused or fearful as a result of recent reporting in the Detroit Free Press about the development and introduction of Ford’s DPS6 transmission nearly a decade ago.
Ford Motor Company is issuing a safety recall on select 2012 and 2017 Focus vehicles equipped with 2.0-liter GDI engines and 2013-14 Focus ST vehicles equipped with 2.0-liter GTDI engines.
Ford and the Austin Transportation Department’s Smart Mobility team are launching the Austin City:One Challenge, a co-creation and crowdsourcing program for residents, businesses and community groups to propose and pilot solutions that improve mobility.
Ford will make a special Ford GT supercar announcement during a dedicated press conference from 4:45 a.m. EDT, July 4, at the 2019 Goodwood Festival of Speed.
Drought-stricken communities in the Eastern Cape are set to benefit from an innovative mobile water generation project launched by World Vision South Africa, and funded by the Bill Ford Better World Challenge, the Ford Motor Company Fund and Ford Research and Advanced Engineering.